Where everything seems blah blah blah....

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Hustle and Ocean's 12 Redux

Lion's Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

If you haven't watched Kung Fu Hustle yet, you can skip to the next paragraph because you'll read a lot of spoilers. =) That Lion's Roar is definitely a powerful skill! It can even beat the crap out of the Top #1 and 2 killers in the world. The lead actor's Buddha's Palm is also awesome. Though Lion's Roar is not as powerful as Buddha's Palm, it's visualization is more entertaining. There's this one fight scene that looked like the Neo-Mr. Smith back alley fight scene. That is when the Stephen Chow finally realized that he has the power (He's The One!) to kick-ass and he was mobbed by axe gang henchmen dressed in coat and tie.

This movie is right now on the top of my list for the best movie of the year. This ain't your ordinary "dialogue-not-matching-the-actor's-mouth-kung-fu" movie. Heck its not even dubbed in English LOL! This is like Shaolin Soccer (if you haven't watched this, watch it!) + Matrix + Spiderman. I included Spidermen coz there's this dialogue, "With great powers, comes great responsibility" speech by one of the Kung-Fu Master. Oh, I almost forgot, you gotta see the Axe Gang Dance! LOL!

Ok now, I watched Ocean's 12 the 2nd time last Sunday! I really really really felt sleepy while watching it. Thanks to my seatmate who kept me from slipping away to dreamland. ;)

Monday, January 17, 2005

On Getting Drunk...

I want Vodka Ice!

Here's the story why: Last Friday, me and my co-workers had dinner. We had the usual conversation, teasing and joking. After dinner, our manager asked the waiter to clear the table so that we can have our booze. I do not usually drink beers or wines or any alcholic beverages coz I tend to look like a tomato after a couple of sips. Then our manager said the magic words, "the drinks are on me". So there yah go! San Mig Light, Red Horse Beer and Vodka Ice.

At first, I didn't order any booze. But after eyeing that Vodka Ice, I felt the urge. The bottle is just so tempting (LOL, I'm starting to sound like an alcoholic) So I had a "teaser", half a glass that is. Funny, it didn't taste like any alcoholic beverage that I've taken before. It tasted like Sprite plus some cherry sparkle or something. And the best part is, my face didn't turn into a tomato! So I ended up having a bottle. After emptying one, I felt the I'd like another but a bottle and a half is good enough.

P.S. Don't drink and drive. Please also be considerate for others on the road.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

LAUNCHcast Now!

This I believe is the next best thing after IM and emails. (not for dial-up users though, sorry!) Thanks to LAUNCHcast, boring moments in the office became... well, a bit less boring. I created my personalized station by the way but I still have to use that nifty fast forward button once in a while. It's free so I guess I can't rant much about it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Back-to-back Sequels

Last weekend, I watched two sequels: Blade Trinity and Ocean's 12. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed. They both didn't live up to my expectations. Ocean's 12 wasn't as exciting as the Ocean's 11. For the whole duration of the movie, I was watching out for signs of the "big twist". There wasn't any twist until the last part. It was just revealed at the final 10 mins of the movie. Also, the last scene where they all (plus Catherine who came with Brad) met in a gambling room was lame. I didn't see any relevance in showing that besides showing that Brad and Catherine are together which was already shown when Brad took Catherine to meet his father, the alleged greatest thief in the world.

Do I still have to talk about Blade Trinity? (or maybe how it sucked?) In my opinion, Blade 2 is way better than Blade Trinity. Blade Trinity had the most common plot in an action movie. Bad guy does bad things, in this case the first ever vampire named Drake, then the good guy (Blade) kills the bad guy in the end. And oh, Trinity? You mean the two human sidekicks of Blade? I can't believe they're pretty strong! They can even go head to head with a vampire and take that much beating. Triple H was in the movie by the way. Which made one fight scene looked like a wrestling match LOL!

Rumor says that Wesley Snipes didn't even want to endorse this film. Now I know why. I should have watched Kung Fu Hustle also. It was funny according to my friends. Maybe next weekend. I'm also waiting for Meet the Fockers.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Happy New Year!

Just want to greet everyone a Happy New Year! Let's all hope that we all have a marvelous year ahead. Let's hope for happiness, prosperity, success, love....... and world peace! (remember Ms. Congeniality?) Also, harsher punishment for parole violators. JOKE! (how can I forget to include that haha)

FYI, 2005 is the year of the rooster.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

The Big Blah Blog

Last day of 2004! (or in this case, the last few minutes of 2004) I'd like to take this opportunity to say, "Goodbye 2004! Thank you for the memories and the experiences". Funny, I kindda remember the song "Sorry 2004" by Ruben Studdard. (you'd probably know that, because he's that guy from American Idol)

Time to go out and see the fireworks! Ciao!

14 mins left till 2005!