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Thursday, January 20, 2005

Hustle and Ocean's 12 Redux

Lion's Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

If you haven't watched Kung Fu Hustle yet, you can skip to the next paragraph because you'll read a lot of spoilers. =) That Lion's Roar is definitely a powerful skill! It can even beat the crap out of the Top #1 and 2 killers in the world. The lead actor's Buddha's Palm is also awesome. Though Lion's Roar is not as powerful as Buddha's Palm, it's visualization is more entertaining. There's this one fight scene that looked like the Neo-Mr. Smith back alley fight scene. That is when the Stephen Chow finally realized that he has the power (He's The One!) to kick-ass and he was mobbed by axe gang henchmen dressed in coat and tie.

This movie is right now on the top of my list for the best movie of the year. This ain't your ordinary "dialogue-not-matching-the-actor's-mouth-kung-fu" movie. Heck its not even dubbed in English LOL! This is like Shaolin Soccer (if you haven't watched this, watch it!) + Matrix + Spiderman. I included Spidermen coz there's this dialogue, "With great powers, comes great responsibility" speech by one of the Kung-Fu Master. Oh, I almost forgot, you gotta see the Axe Gang Dance! LOL!

Ok now, I watched Ocean's 12 the 2nd time last Sunday! I really really really felt sleepy while watching it. Thanks to my seatmate who kept me from slipping away to dreamland. ;)


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